Ernesto López-Acosta

Director of L-A Legal


Telephone (33) 1813-3352

Doctor ‘s degree in Law from the Universidad Panamericana campus Guadalajara.

Master in Public Law from Universidad Abad Oliba CEU of Spain.

Law degree from Universidad Panamericana campus Guadalajara.

Post-graduate studies in Administrative Law, Civil and Commercial Procedural Law, and Constitutional and Protection Law. All from Universidad Panamericana Campus Guadalajara.

Certificate in Technology, Information and Communication Law, at Universidad Panamericana campus Guadalajara.

Course on blockchain technology applications, taught by Cornell University.

Professor of Procedural Theory and Civil Procedure at the Universidad Panamericana campus Guadalajara.

I have worked as an independent lawyer since 2010. As a postulant attorney, and legal advisor in Commercial Law, Civil Law, Industrial Property, Information Technology (IT), Relations with the Public Administration, and Personal Data.

Director of L-A Legal. (

Director of the Communication Channel “Abogados Sin Corbata” (

Member of the Directive Council and Coordinator of the Incidence Commission of the Ilustre y Nacional Colegio de Abogados de México.

Member of the Mexican Bar Association, Jalisco Chapter.

Vice President of the Non-Governmental Organization SOS Jalisco.