Our firm

Get to know us

Lawyers with expertise in strategic, agile and efficient litigation.

We are a multidisciplinary and diverse group of lawyers, made up of strategists, legal scholars and creatives, grounded in an unquestionable passion for providing legal solutions. We have experience in preventive counseling and litigation.

We proudly assume the challenge of structuring strong arguments, finding the most innovative and effective formulas to execute the most satisfactory strategy, with quality, integrity and compliance with the law.


Institutions that support us

Lawyers with expertise in strategic, agile and efficient litigation.

We put at your disposal the whole team of specialists to offer legal advice, negotiation and controversy, with integral accompaniment.


We have experience in preventive counseling and litigation, executing satisfactory strategies, with quality, integrity and adherence to the law.


We proudly assume the challenge of structuring strong arguments, finding the most innovative and effective formulas.


We are a multidisciplinary and diverse group of lawyers, made up of strategists, legal scholars and creatives, grounded in an unquestionable passion for providing legal solutions.


To provide solutions defending the personal and economic interests of our clients, so that they can achieve their objectives. With transparent, understandable advice and with the utmost confidentiality.


Our vision of our work is based on effort and dedication to obtain the best results for the benefit of our clients, offering them viable and effective solutions to their legal problems.


SPECIALIZATION: Our specialization in the different legal areas determines a legal service of high technical level with customized legal solutions and high added value.

TRUST: We understand that the client/attorney relationship is based on trust and requires from the latter a professional conduct of integrity, honesty, truthfulness and diligence.

COMMITMENT: We have the capacity and willingness to orient our own interests and professional conduct towards the client’s needs, priorities and objectives.

CLOSENESS: We make the customer the center of our activity, always focusing on satisfying their interests and improving the personal service we provide.

TEAMWORK: We share experiences, skills, responsibilities and work procedures, united in a common goal.

TRANSPARENCY: We are totally clear when explaining the legal situation and possible solutions to our clients. We believe it is vital that the client understands our reasoning and the legal concepts involved.

Resolve your legal dispute, make an appointment

Let us help you (33) 23 67 96 52

Mon – Fri 09:00-19:00